Google’s Lunar X-Prize

The Ansari X-Prize was a $10 million competition for commercial ventures to fly a spacecraft into space which was eventually won by Burt Rutan‘s SpaceShipOne:


Now Google has taken things up a notch by offering a $30 million prize for the first company to land a rover on the Moon’s surface.

4 thoughts on “Google’s Lunar X-Prize

  1. Yup. But NASA spent billions of dollars. The prize here is for a commercial venture that will be much less expensive.

  2. if u have an aircraft capable of going into outer space do u have to have a permit or anything, coz it doesnt belong to anyone….(anyone we know of anyway) so would a pilots license suffice?

  3. If you want to go into space you’ll need to get a permit from whoever is responsible for regulating it in your country – in the US you’ll need to ask NASA, in Europe you’ll need to check with ESA, and so on.

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